Our aim
To provide a listening ear for service users where appropriate.
We support people through a referral system with local agency partners, and when donations are available we are able to provide for people with special dietary needs. We also tailor parcels for each family or person we provide for to make sure that it suits their needs as best we can. The food parcels are designed to last for three days.

Our philosophy
Our history
Throughout 2011 David Pitkeathly of the Church of Scotland and Rachael Rodway of Carlisle One World Centre had been noticing an increased use of drop in facilities and the food voucher scheme and met with other agencies, with a view to setting up a Carlisle Foodbank. As the Salvation Army in Carlisle had been distributing parcels for 25 years and at their invitation it was decided to build on their work and from their buildings. Further agencies joined, and the Foodbank went live in April 2012
Carlisle Foodbank is run by a Board of Trustees who have a range of different backgrounds and are interdenominational. There is a parttime manager and many volunteers from across the area. We continue to rely on donations of time, money and food, and look to work together with local agencies, schools, and businesses to support people in crisis.