Support Us
Ways to Donate

Please note
we do not collect
money door to
door or in the
Thank you for considering to donate to Carlisle Foodbank.
A gift of any amount will be put to good use. Post
To send us a cheque please make this payable to “Carlisle Foodbank” and send to:
The Manager
Carlisle Foodbank, 4 Tower Court
West Tower Street
CA3 8QT.
Don’t forget to add your postal or email address so we can say “Thank You!” our Bank
This is a great way to support our continuing work in the Carlisle community. Regular giving from our supporters helps us to plan ahead and develop new projects.
You can give direct to our bank by a one-off payment or regular donations, please instruct your bank to set up a Standing Order using the following details:
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00035028 Text
To donate £1, text CFBUK to 70201
To donate £3, text CFBUK to 70331
To donate £5, text CFBUK to 70970
To donate £10, text CFBUK to 70191
* Fundraising, payments, and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. For Terms & Conditions, see

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